Sunday, May 1, 2016

Our Trip to Mbuji-Mayi - Church History Assignment and Interviews

Elder Cook was coming to Mbuji-Mayi to create a new stake from a district.  While he was involved in interviews, he had us, along with Sister Cook, make sure that the history of this unique place was being recorded accurately.  So we sat in a very hot room while the invited 
guests discussed the timeline of events leading to this momentous day.  
Then Sister Cook went outside and with the help from a professional photographer/videographer, 
recorded the oral histories as remembered by the pioneer members.  
This area is special because it has now grown to 4 stakes 
without any outside help from missionaries.  The members have helped it grow all on their own by sharing the gospel with their friends and family and helping each other as if they were all family. 
 It is amazing and worth recording.

Even in remote areas of the DRC, technology is an ever present medium.

Sister Cook, with translation help from President Kyungu (the first mission president of the new Mbuji-Mayi mission who will start on July 1) and Papama recorded over 2 hours of oral history.

They found a nice spot outside, but the city noises and rain forced them inside to finish the job.

One man being interviewed arrived with his children and mother-in-law on his motorcycle.

Other family members crammed into a truck to be transported to the Church offices.

This is the new stake president, President Kalonji, and his family.

The young first counselor and his darling family.

The second counselor and his sweet family.

Sister Cook, Sister Thomas, whose husband is the mission president of the Lubumbashi DRC mission, Lindy and me.  Cute Lindy possibly has leprosy and it is slowly eating away at her nose, but she is still happy and extremely social.

The fabrics here are bright, colorful and so unique.

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