Saturday, May 28, 2016

Office Happenings

We are doing something new at the Area Office.  Any senior couple missionaries that are coming from the Provo MTC now stop on their way to their mission to get training to become really great mission office missionaries.  Elder and Sister Wood were headed to the Durban South Africa mission office.  You can imagine our surprise when we started checking our ancestry and found out the Elder Wood and Liz are 3rd cousins.  We both have a common great grandfather, William Wood.  Elder Wood's family is the side that went to Cardston, Canada.  It was fun to have them staying in our flat for the 3-day training.

Elder Cook has been serving in the Africa Southeast Area for 5 years and we all knew he would be up for a new assignment.  One of his catch phrases is "Keep it simple, keep it pure" in reference to the kind of work we want to be involved in here in Africa.  So the fun IT department came up with a way to show how much they loved him and were going to miss him.  They replaced his computer and phone with these archaic devices.  It was funny but it was a bit emotional as well.  We will miss the sweet, humble, loving leadership of our dear Elder Cook!

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