Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Sometimes I only have a picture or two to show what our life is like in South Africa.  We got to go to a Josh Groban concert.  He used an amazing local choir and we had a fun evening with the Egans at the Dome.

How close can a senior missionary park next to the post without scraping it?  Apparently this car was parked so close to the post that we couldn't even get our hand between the post and the car.  Our fleet manager says this is the #1 damage to church cars by the seniors - scrapes from getting too close to the plethora of posts in parking garages.

We stayed at a hotel in Durban that had a very small rooftop pool.  You can imagine our surprise to find this huge buoy hanging close by in case someone was drowning.  All they had to do was reach out and they could almost touch both sides of the pool!

On the drive home we stopped at this tourist spot.  How would you like to be known for your fast meat pies and the cleanest toilets in South Africa?  Quite the distinction, wouldn't you say? Surprisingly the Auzzie voice on our GPS knew the directions to this place without us putting in the address - it must be that famous!

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