Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chuck's fun missionary responsibilities

Chuck is responsible for new and changing unit boundaries.  When the Nairobi Kenya Stake decided it was time to divide, they drew up the new boundaries and submitted it to the Area Office.  Chuck got approval and the stake was divided.  You can imagine everyone's surprise when they brought out new maps after the stake conference.  The maps that had been submitted to SLC had the dividing line between the 2 stakes going vertically.  After the conference they submitted a revised map with the dividing line running horizontal and with twists and turns for the ward/branch divisions.  Chuck and Sister Egan literally spent days trying to make sense of the new dividing lines before they could submit them to SLC for final approval.

Last Saturday, Chuck stayed all day to help out with the Area Council.  It includes all Area Seventies within the Africa Southeast Area.  One fun activity he had them learn to do was how to locate their home on their ward maps.  One of the Seventy from the Democratic Republic of Congo was still recovering from his first ever plane ride to SLC for General Conference.  When they pulled up the map of his ward, he literally couldn't understand how to locate his home because he had never seen an aerial map and it was difficult for him to comprehend.  Fortunately they helped him understand where he lived looking down on his home.

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