Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pilanesburg Game Reserve - Morning drive

The next day we were surprised when a few zebras showed up at the water hole. We were very lucky to see them up close like this.

The morning drive is always much colder that the evening drive, so we really bundled up.

Our guide got a call that there was a group of lions to see so we tried to rush to the spot, but this family of elephants had a different idea.  This matriarch would not let us pass.  Our guide would drive close to pass and she would warn us away.  In the end she ended up charging us with her head and trunk swaying back and forth, her ears splayed wide open and bellowing at us.  We never did get to see the lions, but we had the most awesome encounter with about 20 elephants.

You just can't believe the scenery is real. It is so beautiful and so Africa!

Little did we realize when we booked the family suite for these cuties that it would include a pool, a backyard, a living room and a fireplace. It couldn't have been any better!

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