Wednesday, August 3, 2016

You Meet the Nicest People on a Mission!

This is the Stake President from Beira in the middle.  President Freeman Dickie is rather young to be a Stake President, but he is such a joy to work with.  He orginally came from Zimbabwe, so he speaks good English to go along with his excellent Portuguese.  He had his clerk with him at the Temple, so they met with Chuck about a few items of business.

Our newest member of the Area Presidency and his wife arrived safe and sound.  Elder and Sister Palmer, in the middle, were a bit jet-lagged but we towed them along with Elder and Sister Broadbent, the new IFR, to the Protea Glen Branch in Soweto.  It looks like the August winds have kicked in, but it wasn't as cold as normal,  It will be wonderful to get to know the Palmers and the Broadbents while they serve in the Africa Southeast Area.  Welcome aboard!

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