Wednesday, August 3, 2016

You Meet the Nicest People on a Mission!

This is the Stake President from Beira in the middle.  President Freeman Dickie is rather young to be a Stake President, but he is such a joy to work with.  He orginally came from Zimbabwe, so he speaks good English to go along with his excellent Portuguese.  He had his clerk with him at the Temple, so they met with Chuck about a few items of business.

Our newest member of the Area Presidency and his wife arrived safe and sound.  Elder and Sister Palmer, in the middle, were a bit jet-lagged but we towed them along with Elder and Sister Broadbent, the new IFR, to the Protea Glen Branch in Soweto.  It looks like the August winds have kicked in, but it wasn't as cold as normal,  It will be wonderful to get to know the Palmers and the Broadbents while they serve in the Africa Southeast Area.  Welcome aboard!

Movie Seats and Dinner Groups

We have only been to one other movie on our mission.  We saw Star Wars down in George in a pretty normal theater.  So when Jason Bourne came out, we decided to go on the spur of the moment to the theater in the mall across the street from our flat.  These were some of the most comfortable seats in the world.  You have a place for your popcorn and a place for your drink.  The only drawback was you couldn't snuggle with your date because they were too far away.  Opening night and there only about 20 people in the place.  As for the movie, it was great, but be sure you take some Dramamine before going!

Our social life is full and fun.  For our monthly dinner group in July we had a safari theme.  We dressed the part, ate good food, and then tried to guess the animal sounds.  It is fun to have such a wonderful group of senior missionaries serving in the Area Office.

Elder Mariquele's Visit

Elder Mariquele was one of our missionaries in Angola.  He arrived near the end of our year there and we sent him down to Lubango shortly after his arrival.  But we have been keeping up with him via Face Book.  We were so happy that he came to the Johannesburg Temple from Mozambique with his buddies and brothers, Binildo and Naldo.  The are 3 of the finest young men I have ever met and are so good and trying to do what is right.  We enjoyed their visit so much!

Elder Mariquele wanted to have a good old hamburger that his American companions had talked so much about.  McDonald's was closed for remodeling so they all had to settle for a double Whopper from Burger King.  We also treated them to KFC for dinner.

Our boys from Mozambique in the Temple Patron Housing cafeteria.

Brithday Joys and Campaign Promises

When the Hungerfords came to town they brought us some delicious treats that we have been missing.  Chuck was elated to get 2 Hostess Snoballs and 2 Hostess cupcakes.  Happy #67 to Chuck!

The Hungerfords also brought my all time favorite candy bar, Baby Ruth.  I still have a few left to enjoy over the next few months. Happy #60 - am I really that old?

Today is election day in South Africa.  Who knows what will happen here, but we loved this campaign promise - Flushing Toilets for All.  Hope he is elected and can meet that goal!!