Monday, February 1, 2016

MIssionary Life

A new ward created from another with a new Bishopric.  This keeps Chuck very busy because the growth here is phenomenal!  He deals with boundary changes, new units, church record changes, patriarchal blessings.  You name it, he is probably involved in some way.

Just in case you think I don't work, this is Elder Johnson reviewing the medical portion of some of the missionary applications I process.  It keeps me very busy.

Elder and Sister Rowberry have been the best MLS missionaries.  They are serving in the South Africa Durban mission and we see them frequently when they bring couples to the Temple to be sealed.  They go home in a few weeks and we will miss their enthusiasm and dedicated work,

A Preparation Day included a 15 minute walk from our flat down tree lined streets filled with mansions to the Ditsong National Museum of Military History.  Great planes, tanks, and military transport vehicles to see.  We loved it.

We saw huge and not so big vehicles.  This tank was a very small Italian version.  We are loving our time here in South Africa.  Everyone should go on a couple mission.  Where else can you be so busy yet have so much fun and joy?

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