Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Joy of Mission President's Seminars

Mid-November all the mission presidents and wives in the Africa Southeast Area converged on Johannesburg for their semi-annual Mission President's Seminar.  We had three days of wonderful, enlightening, spiritual instruction and sharing.  The last day we visited Croc City and the Lion Park.  Both are within half an hour of downtown Jo'burg.  It was fun to get out of the city and enjoy the wonders of this beautiful country.  We saw baby crocodiles, an albino boa constrictor, and big old crocodiles. Chuck was brave enough to hold the boa as well as President and Sister Dunn who are friends of President and Sister Knudsen and serving as Mission President in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.  We also got to pet the baby lion cubs.  Word of advice, they are still wild animals and they are babies, so they do bite!  Sister Merrill, from Angola, and Liz found that out the hard way!

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