Sunday, October 4, 2015

Interesting Events

We've had some fun and interesting events these past few weeks  A local Jewish congregation invited us to their synagogue for a celebration called Sukkot.  We participated in the program and visited with the members afterwards at a dinner.  They usually use wine in their celebration but provided the visiting LDS contingent with grape juice.  The men got to wear the kippah.  One of our Angola missionaries, Taylor Arrington, is living in Angola temporarily with his wife and son.  He came to the area office for some training  It was so wonderful to be with him and relive our wonderful time in the Angola mission.Then our Area Medical Adviser was having medical issues so he and his wife had to go home a month early.  Sister Barton had 4 days to show me all the things she would do to submit the missionary applications to SLC.  They know how to keep us busy!

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