Sunday, July 26, 2015

A normal week in the Africa Southeast Area office

This is a great mission, however, it isn't the most exciting for blog posts.  The one thing I absolutely love about serving in the area office is the people we get to meet.  Francisco and Jamba Camufingo came from Viana, Angola, to be sealed in the temple as a family.  We were able to talk to them in Portuguese and Liz helped in the temple nursery with their sweet little daughter, Dulce.

We also had this young man stop by with his sister.  Phawulile Dlamini is from Mozambique, and he will be serving in the Angola Luanda Mission.  We couldn't say enough nice things about Angola.  Hopefully he is excited to serve there.

Another really nice perk of serving her in the Johannesburg area, are all the good restaurants.  We literally can eat out cheaper that we can at home.  So we are more than willing to check out the local culinary establishments.  In the past 2 weeks we have been out with the Elder and Sister Egan.  He is the Infield Representative for all the mission presidents in all of Africa.  Sister Egan pretty much helps Chuck with all the organization of new stakes, wards, branches and leaders for those units.  She also watches over all the senior couple apartments.  Then we took out Elder and Sister Wilson to celebrate his birthday.  We've known them since Portugal and they have a special place in our hearts.  

And last but not least, we went out to dinner with the head of the legal department and his wife, Bryan and Tina Jackson.  The group also included the area office Controller and his wife, David and Leigh Anne Bowman.  Funny thing is, it took the group quite a while to figure out how to divide the bill.  Good thing it was pouring outside with a lot of thunder and lightning, so we were happy to stay dry and warm inside the restaurant and have some dessert.  We are surrounded by good people!  For those of you who are worried about our weight gain, we are taking drastic measures between dinners out so that we won't come home looking like blimps!

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