Sunday, January 10, 2016

Christmas Holiday Album - One Last Adventure - Hot Air Balloon

Elder and Sister Egan received a great Christmas gift from their kids.  It was a gift certificate for a hot air balloon ride about 45 minutes from our house.  We got up very early so we would be able to see the 5:15 am sunrise from the balloon.  Our group included Elder and Sister Berg (from the Public Affairs department of the Area Office), Elder and Sister Egan (he is the Infield Representative for the continent of Africa and she is the flat coordinator for the Area couples as well as Chuck's assistant with all the boundary, bishop, stake changes) and us.  The views were stunning.  We would definitely do this again.  Happy New Year to everyone.  Let's see what this year brings!

Christmas Vacation Fun #3 - Bungee Jumping and Zip Lining

 We passed over the Bloukrans Bridge and Chuck was brave enough to do the highest commercial bungee jump in the world.  I got to go out on the platform with him and watch all the preparations. 

All set to go and securely fastened.  Then Chuck did a perfect dive off the platform!

He is helped back up and thankfully the guy pulled him into an upright position. 

Next stop was a zipline over a water fall gorge with the Lombardi's.  It was so fun.  There times you couldn't decide if you should just enjoy the ride down or the beautiful views.

Christmas Holiday Trip Album #2 - East London

On our way to East London we stopped at a monkey park. They take care of monkeys, lemurs, and other such animals who are no longer wanted by their owners. They were cute and loved the feeding platform with their fruit lunch.

Next boat ride we took was on a catamaran out on the Indian Ocean.  It was very windy that day, but we enjoyed the big waves and the views.  We were very excited when a group of about 200 dolphins joined us and swam all around our boat.  The captain lowered a microphone into the water and we were able to hear them talking to each other.  What a memory! 

We stayed at a B&B right on the 14th green of a golf course.  Elder Jubber's cousin owned the place and had closed down so all the employees could enjoy their summer holiday.  We were able to take over the place and rest, relax and play.  We spent time at Morgan's Bay where Chuck was able to swim in the warm Indian Ocean and we searched for shells.

Our fun traveling group consisted of Elder and Sister Graf (he with the Office of General Council and she with the local Liahona insert), us, Elder and Sister Lombardi (in the Church History department at the Area office), and Elder and Sister Jubber (he is the Area Medical Adviser and she helps me with the missionary applications).  This was a great traveling group.  We had a great time!

Christmas Holiday Trip Album #1 - George

Because we work in the Area Office with Church employees, the holidays basically shut the place down.  It is summer and the school break, so everyone takes a holiday.  We took the time to do a little sight seeing ourselves. Elder Jubber has relaties in the south east of South Africa, so we went with 3 other couples for a holiday.  First stop was George on the coast.  It was beautiful and very Dutch.  We traveled to a bay in Knysna for a cruise of the area.  Then we drove to an ostrich farm.  Liz actually got to ride an ostrich.  The next day we drove to the Cango Caves.  One room was so big that they used to hold concerts in it with 1000 attendees. 

The Knudsen's Come to Town!

We were so happy when our Stake President and his wife came to down and spent a day with us.  Thanks Brent and Kathryn Knudsen for making us feel special and making the holidays extra bright! We took them on the Red Bus Tour around the city.  If only we'd checked the times, we would have been able to see more.  As it was we got a nice ride around the downtown, had a delicious lunch and then were able to have dinner with President and Sister Dunn at the South Africa Johannesburg Mission Home.  It was a delight!

December in South Africa

We find the South African viewpoint very refreshing.  They have a great sense of self and not many inhibitions, as you can tell by this jacket worn to church.

The children are so cute and friendly. 

The Area Presidency and their wives provided us with a pre-Christmas FHE.  It was wonderful and spiritual and came with an agenda! 

After the program, we danced the night away out under the stars on a warm summer evening - our FHE activity. 

After dancing we were treated to strawberry shortcake in the foyer of the White House where the Area Presidency lives.

Belated Merry Christmas from Johannesburg, South Africa!

On our way out of town, we stopped for gas.  You just never know what you'll find at a gas station.